Mark Smith and Dennis Simoneaux are partners in the boutique consulting firm, Provider Service Solutions (PSS).
The partners rely on their decades of complimentary pharmaceutical and post-acute/long-term care provider (practice) group healthcare business experience, knowledge, and professional leadership skills to assist their clients with operational, financial, business development, and general strategic needs.
Whether your business or practice is newly formed, in a growth phase, or is a large, mature, enterprise or multi-state practice group with seasoned, experienced clinicians and operators, it's valuable to gain insight, strategic ideas, and guidance from those who have successfully walked in your shoes and navigated similar challenges.
There is enormous value in having knowledgeable, third-party operators and business development specialists evaluate your processes, practices, policies, and strategies. Mark and Dennis provide ACTIONABLE ADVICE IN REAL TIME, not theoretical and esoterical concepts. Their consultation rates are very fair. Client
Have a conversation today with Mark and Dennis to learn more!
Email Mark or Dennis directly, or utilize CONTACT below:
Mark Smith: Dennis Simoneaux: